I want you to use your voice. I want you to yell and scream and run and jump and use every bit of energy you have to race around the block, banging on drums and cymbals, car hoods and trunks, neighbors’ doors, the bells on bikes, tree stumps, and trashcans. I want you to be loud and fierce and wild, unable to be tamed, eager for knowledge and bloodthirsty for revenge. I want you to slip and slide, get wet in fountains and sprinklers, splash with all your might, and then get back to screaming for justice, for your momma, for another piece of pie, for a world that’s being raped by ignorance and intolerance. I want you to take a stand, find your place, claim an area, and rope off what’s yours. I want to know that every bit of power you were born with has been harnessed and is in full use so that when you need strength, you won’t have to rely on your reserves. You can be sliced neat as bread, stacked like overdue paperwork and library books, but I want to hear your voice and your machinations. I want you dressed in liberty with a grey smile and a flaming torch. Don’t let anyone stand on you. You are special and unique and there is no one like you and believe me, little girl, that is a good thing. You will meet people who will want you to shrink back so that they can step into the spotlight and claim all the warmth. Don’t let them. Move forward, take the light, accept the applause, understand how brilliant you are. People will inevitably say mean things to you or about you; don’t suck those things under your skin and try to make sense of them. Don’t be afraid to grab a megaphone and let the world know you exist. Bust forth, make demands, speak up, don’t shy down. You don’t owe the world an apology for anything and don’t you EVER forget it.
have you seen "when the levees broke"? i am in the process of watching it now. truly appalling situation, especially looking back now after Haiti. we take care of all but our own.
"Ask yourself often, "'What do I see when I see people?"
Like all good questions this will slow you down. And slowing down when it comes to judging others will make you gentle and keep you kind.
Because the first thing we see when we meet others is their mask. But if you pause and think a bit, you'll see someone like you. Someone's child. Someone who is uncertain. Someone looking for a star to guide them.
It's always easier to be kind when you know "they" are struggling just like you."
it is extraordinary how fast the earth rebuilds itself after a harsh winter. in just the first few days of spring sprouts poke their heads up through the snow-wet soil. it is extraordinary how fast we rebuild ourselves after we feel the most lost/empty/hurt. in just a few days/months/moons we begin to once again lift our chins towards the sky. burst and bloom. { you are remarkable + lisa golightly}
i went to the renegade craft fair yesterday in austin with my lovely friend suzannah. i was surprised to come home empty handed but my heart was full of laughs and my belly was full of hey cupcake! so it was a worthwhile journey.
I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?
-from The Summer Day, by Mary Oliver