Friday, July 10, 2009

operation beautiful.

Operation Beautiful is a wonderful idea in which empowering messages are left in random places. Go there and be inspired to leave your own messages.
“I was born gorgeous and I am forever beautiful. Though the world and those who are in it may try to tell me otherwise and attempt to bring me down, I will not let them. Even when storms come along and try to steal away my happiness, I will just dance in the rain. I will love myself and learn to be happy with everything I am. I am beautiful, I am loved, I am me. No one can change that, even if they wanted to. I am born gorgeous.”

As I am not getting any younger and not exactly where I want to be in terms of fitness, I think one of the hardest things is accepting myself through the process. Because I know that I can do better and be more healthy, I tend to beat myself up for not being where I "should be." I am working towards feeling great and it's not about a size~it's about being fit, strong, and respecting your body. As I go through that process, I am going to have my own little "Operation Beautiful" inside...replacing that evil little voice, that tells me I'm fat or lazy or I'm never going to look 25 again, with a strong voice reminding me that I am gorgeous in this moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, this one's catching! A friend just posted this project on Facebook...happy to see it here, too.